You have two options when purchasing a mix from Power Music Cheer.
- You can order a very affordable licensed pre-mixed competition style Cheer, Pom, or Hip-Hop mix from Power Music Cheer and download it instantly.
- You can have the producer who created the mix customize it in several ways to fit your team, your style, and your routine. When you order a custom mix, we give you access to the un-customized version immediately - so you can start practicing with your mix right away! Your custom mix will be delivered in 7-10 business days or 1-3 business days if you choose to pay for a rush order. If you want to customize your mix you have several options to personalize your mix. The customization options include: Voice-Overs, Song Swaps, Sound Effects, Add/Remove 8 counts, and Rush Orders. The links below will take you to the exact section of the page discussing each step of the ordering process, including customizations. Feel free to reach out to our Customer Support Team at [email protected] or click here to visit our FAQ page if you have any questions.
At Power Music Cheer, you can find the perfect mix for your team. The mixes are divided up into categories for Cheer, Pom, Hip Hop, and Timeouts. You can also shop by “mix length” for your teams division, or “DJ” if you have a favorite. You can listen and preview the entire mix for ALL of our mixes.
When you find the mix you love and select the length you need, you have two options: “ADD TO CART” to buy the mix AS IS, or “CUSTOMIZE” to make your mix more unique. If you add to cart, you just go through the checkout process and are able to download the mix instantly after purchase.
You have the option of personalizing your music by having our talented production team add voice-overs that you choose. This is a great way to let the crowd and judges know exactly who you are and show team pride and spirit. The basic package which is a $50 upgrade includes the following:
- Gym, school, or organization name on the intro
- Gym, school, or organization colors in an 8-count phrase somewhere in the middle.
- Mascot or Team Name at the ending of the mix.
You may also add additional 1 or 2 8 count voice-over phrases into the mix. One 8 count cost $20, and two 8 count phrases are $40. You can tell us exactly what you would like the voice-over to say, or leave it up to the DJ. There is a NOTES section on each customization page in case you want to be sure the DJ understand how you would like the mix customized.
The best way to take a pre-made mix and make it your own is to use our song swap feature. You can eliminate songs that are listed in the mix and add any of the over 10,000 original and cover songs that can be found on: www.powermusictrax.com. This option is the second step in the customization process and can be incorporated for $50 per song swapped in the mix. There is a NOTES section on each customization page in case you want to be sure the DJ understand how you would like the mix customized.
A great way to have your music fit your routine is to add sound effects where the action happens in your routine. Several great sound effects have already been implemented into every mix which you can choreograph action to hit with the accents in the mix.
You may decide that you want to include extras at perfect places to highlight big moments in the routine. Examples include: When Group Stunts, Pyramids, and Basket Tosses hit. Also, when Jumps, Tumbling, or other group or individual actions occur that you want to spotlight is the best time to add sound effects. The sound effects upgrade is $50 for up to 12 Sound Effects added or $100 for up to 25 sound effects added.
You have two options to make this happen:
- Complete a count sheet and tell us where to add sound effects to your mix. (Link-can we host/link to a PDF here of the count sheet that they can click to download?).If you have not completed a count sheet before, click here for some tips and examples.
- Select “DJ’s Choice” and the producer will add additional sound effects where they believe it enhances the music. You will need to try to choreograph action that matches the sound effects that get added to the mix.
If you have found the perfect mix, but the mix is too long or too short or a section is too long or too short, you can add or remove 8 count(s) within the mix (extending or shortening the songs/sections in the mix). The cost is $25 per location that 8 count(s) are removed. For example you may want to extend the song where the pyramid is by 2, 8 counts in your routine and reduce the song where the gymnastics are by 2, 8 counts.
You can always type additional information in the notes section to be certain the DJ understands what you are trying to accomplish.
We deliver any customized mixes you within 7-10 business days. If you need it faster, you can put a rush on that order and our amazing team of producers will complete the customizations for you in 1-3 business days for only $100.